Etihad Airways










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Etihad Airways

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Over Etihad Airways

Het bedrijf is in 2003 opgericht door een Koninklijk besluit. In 2003 zijn ze gestart, waarna het een van de snelst groeiende luchtvaartmaatschappijen in de geschiedenis is geworden. De visie van het bedrijf is om de Arabische gastvrijheid te geven door warm, attent en royaal te zijn. Ook wil men Abu Dhabi als centrum van gastvrijheid tussen Oost en West promoten. Het doel is om een moderne wereldwijd werkende luchtvaartmaatschappij te krijgen.  


Het bedrijf wint regelmatig Awards en prijzen, waardoor ze de bevestiging krijgen dat ze op de goede weg zitten om de beste luchtvaartmaatschappij van de wereld te worden. Het bedrijf werkt samen met verschillende partijen om zo te kunnen groeien.  

Diensten van

Etihad Airways
Het bedrijf is een luchtvaartmaatschappij met vliegbestemmingen over de hele wereld. Ze bieden comfort, luxe en gemak aan en zijn zeer gastvrij. 

Etihad Airways vliegt veel op bepaalde routes, zoals Amsterdam - Kathmandu, Amsterdam - Male, Amsterdam - Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam - Seychellen, Amsterdam - Bangkok en Amsterdam - Sydney. Veel mensen maken daarom gebruik van een vlucht van Etihad om op een verre (vakantie)bestemming te komen, zoals de Maledive of Australië.

Klachten, tips en complimenten over

Etihad Airways
Wanneer je een klacht hebt over de luchtvaartmaatschappij, dan kun je hun hiervoor telefonisch, per post en ook per mail benaderen. Het is goed om je klachten in te dienen. Ethihad kan niet alleen van jou weer een tevreden klant maken, maar ook nog eens hun eigen dienstverlening verbeteren.

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Etihad Airways
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Alle reviews (14)

4x vlucht

Expres families en kinderen niet naar elkander zetten opdat er zo meer geld verdient kan worden door te MOETEN UPGRADEN . Verachterlijk. Zeer agressieve passagiers. Nooit weer dit





No Safety, free smoking though !

With all due respect, this was by far the WORSE experience EVER. My basic rights have been DENIED and TRASHED. I also payed a hefty ammount for these flights, I am sorry I picked you as a company. I have been left to starve and only received water. Your previous response is nothing but copy/paste from some nice writing, it doesn't reflect reality. With me, next to me, a colleague of mine was also travelling. He will be MORE than HAPPY to tell his part of the story, but he was served food and beverages and was able to lower his chair and REST. The crew didn't enforce safety regulations and people were smoking in the toilets, TWICE the captain had to intervene. Nobody respected the mask mandate, including the crew, and they also didn't enforce it. I got COV-19 as soon as I got back home, I have official test results that can prove it. I had to quarantine for 10 days, thanks again to a crew that should find a job more suited for them. Please provide a human response, contact, understanding. This is something that everyone MUST know and avoid at all costs. NO safety in air, and passangers doing what they think they should, breaking the basic rules of decency, with nobody enforcing or caring. I DO NOT care that you have young hostesses that wear make-up and try to look fit. They cannot handle stress, they have NO authority and myself and other passangers are paying the prive for their lack of professionalism. After more than 28 days(your official waiting time) I have received a blanket response and the ticket has been deleted/cancelled and NOBODY(just like with your crew) even picked up the phone to see if I was still alive and to try to find a suitable solution for my HORRIBLE experience. I'm sure airline services cannot go any worse, especially considering that the crew didn't care about my passenger well being and basic safety, basic rights. However, free smoking for anyone that uses the lavatory, and for the people that don't smoke too ! All of this because YOUR crew did NOT care(including the captain) but they were busy with their mobile devices, fixing up their make-up OR, talking about safety without actually doing anything for it ? Please. I am dissatisfied, displeased, and your answer is NOT professional nor welcomed. I will campaign on all social media networks to let EVERYONE know that safety is optional but smoking is guaranteed during your flights. I have paid lots of MONEY for a 7 hours flight where I was FORCED to sit straight, without lowering my chair, received NO meals and was treated like disease even when everyone else in the flight was doing EVERYTHING they wanted. For example: threatening (UNDISTURBED) and menacing             Smoking in lavatory             IGNORING safety regulations and NOT wearing a mask             Infecting everyone with COV-19 (I have proof and testimony that I was infected during YOUR flight)             Ignoring and mocking the crew that was there just to look pretty  Leaving aside my frustration with your crew's impotence of maintaining their nice slogan of safety first, is this experience really what passengers should expect when flying Ethiad ??? Well, I'll make sure they all know what to expect, just to be on the safe side. Shame on you!






Heel slecht service, nooit meer kopen.





Vlucht naar Phuket

Was door vertraging trein 5minuten te laat bij incheckbalie economy,kreeg geen boardingpas terwijl bussinessbalie nog open was en er geen andere passagiers waren.Moest nieuw ticket kopen voor volgende dag.Voor mij nooit meer Etihad.


Rob Paping




Heel mooi allemaal en onze vluchten waren allebei helemaal op tijd vertrokken.





Fijne vlucht en aardige stewardessen

Fijne vlucht en aardige stewardessen in het vliegtuig! Zoveel vreselijke vliegmaatschappijen tegenwoordig maar Etihad is tenminste goed!


Jordie en Roos



Volgende keer weer Etihad!

Voor onze vakantie naar De Seychellen zijn we gevlogen met Etihad met het hele gezin. Zeer tevreden over de service en het personeel. Het was een goede vlucht en de kinderen hadden het ook naar hun zin. Volgende keer weer Etihad!


M. Joosten



Amsterdam - Bangkok

Met Etihad gevlogen naar Bangkok vanaf Amsterdam. Prima bevallen. De enige die op onze gewenste dag met een gunstige tijd deze route vloog, daarom voor Etihad gekozen. Niet een goedkope vlucht, wel van alle gemakken voorzien. Personeel correct. Zou hier nog een keer mee vliegen.


P. Selbeck



Service goed bevallen.

Ik heb een paar keer gevlogen met Etihad nu. We hadden niet zo veel te kiezen, want het ging beide keren om een verre vlucht die wij hadden geboekt in combinatie met de reisbestemming. Etihad is mij beide keren goed bevallen. De laatste keer was een paar weken terug. We zijn vriendelijk behandeld in het vliegtuig en de stoelen zaten goed. De service was goed. Beter dan bij andere maatschappijen vond ik. Maar dat kan er ook aan liggen dat het een lange afstand was. Want wij gingen naar de Seychellen. Ik zou Etihad zeker overwogen om nog een keer mee te vliegen, als ze tenminste vliegen op een route die ik nodig heb.


A. Fleerten



Tickets gekocht maar we mochten niet aan boord

In October 2017, my family and I booked a flight via the Dutch company KLM (member of the Skyteam) to Colombo, Sri Lanka, to celebrate our 25 years anniversary (of our marriage) with our four children. This is a tradition in our culture. The flight to Colombo from Genève (to Amsterdam – Mumbai ending in Colombo) was planned for the 23rd of February. The return flight with a planned flight from Colombo to Abu Dhabi to Amsterdam and finally back to Geneva should have been in the evening of the 9th of March. As planned, we presented ourselves at check in desks at the airport in Colombo on the 9th of March (at approximately 7 pm) for our Etihad flight KL3944/EY 269. Once it was finally our turn to check in, there was a lot of hustling around and uncertainty on our side. Nobody was telling us what was going on. After waiting for at least 15 minutes at the service desk, the employee informed us that only Pauline VAN SCHAIK and Martijn VAN SCHAIK were registered for the flight to Amsterdam. And if this was not bad enough yet, they told us that our son of only 13 years old, Valentin VAN SCHAIK, was registered for the flight to Amsterdam and Geneva. The other passengers, Theodorus VAN SCHAIK, Anne-Fleur VAN SCHAIK and myself, Sandra WASSINK, were not registered and could not board the plane. This was absurd as I booked 6 tickets and not three. Afterwards, more Etihad personnel came to check what was happening and the hustling started again. Calls were made, including to the main office of Abu Dhabi, but they informed us that the problem was with KLM and that the three of us could not board the plane, which was about to depart. Later, they also told us that the plane to Abu Dhabi was full and that no exceptions could have been made. In the end, this was not true as our son and daughter, Pauline and Martijn took this plane and saw numerous empty seats, in economy as well as business class, which, dear sirs, makes this even more ridiculous. After a great deal of discussions with the airport personnel we indeed sadly had to let our two eldest children, Martijn VAN SCHAIK and Pauline VAN SCHAIK, board the plan as Martijn had school exams the following Monday and could not take the risk of waiting for another flight. I cannot describe this with other words than tragic and frustrating. Can you imagine spending a lovely holiday with your entire family, and ending this trip by being separated? This is unacceptable. At first, it was insinuated that we should also let our younger son, Valentin VAN SCHAIK, board as he had a seat. But this again, would have been unacceptable and ridiculous. He is thirteen years old and in no possible way old enough to make such a long journey (all the way to Geneva) by himself. Therefore, we demanded to have him checked out of the flight again so that he could travel together with his parents. Still, after our eldest two children left, there was no acceptable solution offered to us. We were send from one agency to the other and according to them neither one of them was to blame and we were treated badly, as if we were the bad ones, while we were without a doubt the victims of a terrible malfunction of some technical planning or system. No one was taking any responsibility in the matter, which is a true shame. After some time and still no solution, I decided to call the KLM in the Netherlands as this is where I initially booked and paid our tickets. I demanded their help. This was all, while the initial plane had not yet left the grounds of Sri Lanka, as we were hoping to still board this plane. At this moment again, the KLM employee, on the phone, was telling me that they had done their part of the deal and that everything was correct from their side. But as you may now know, it definitely was not okay nor correct. After handing over the phone to an Etihad employee of the airport three times, there was still NO solution. Etihad could not possibly understand what was going wrong and did not understand why they could not find us on the list. Eventually, I demanded from the KLM employee to be booked on the next flight from Colombo to Amsterdam, which was planned to leave Sri Lanka at 2am; 5 hours after our initially booked flight with Etihad. Once we indicated this to the Etihad personnel, they could suddenly also offer us a flight, which would be leaving the next day at 4pm. This was too late and not acceptable. We were in a bad situation and not treated fairly. We had obligations at our home in Europe as well and young children, therefore, the 4pm flight would not have worked out. We decided to take the 2am flight from KLM. In sum, we conclude the following points: 1. We spent 7 long hours at the Colombo international airport. 2. Our initial Etihad flight was not full, making this an even more ridiculous succession of events. 3. We had to make expensive phone calls to Europe, resulting in a € 265,- bill. 4. We had to arrange dinners as we had to wait much longer than planned. This again resulted in two bills of $ 64,- in Colombo and € 33,80 in Amsterdam as our layover was again much longer than it should have been.Therefore, we firstly demand a full refund of all of the above, thus in total € 350,80. Secondly, we request a full compensation of our flights as it is our right. . Till this day they say we have to go te KLM because they can not find us in there system!! KLM claims that they did everthing right and that the problem is Etihad. Where do we go ??? this is how they treating us as a client. We never have a proper answer from Etihad. Up till today they are still telling me the are busy with it. I started writing them begining this year on the 15th of March. How difficult is it to find out what happened ???


Sandra Van Schaik



Man slecht ter been in vliegtuig

Service was erg goed, stewardessen zeer behulpzaam. Mijn man is slecht ter been en werd uitstekend geholpen. Geen vertraging, precies op tijd geland





Vlucht erg goed

Erg goed uitgevoerde vlucht met Etihad Airways. Uitermate vriendelijke en van binnen prachtig ingericht. Niet zo goedkoop als die prijsvechters natuurlijk, maar dat zie je wel echt terug in de service en de kwaliteit aan alles.


P. Oorstrom



Dikke 10

Wow! Wat een reis. Echt de beste airline van de wereld naar mijn idee. Ik vloog businessclass dus misschien ben ik bevooroordeeld en is het een economy class wat minder. Maar zelfs op de vloer hebben ze parket liggen, supersjiek. Dat heb ik nog nooit bij een andere maatschappij gezien. Dus een dikke 10 van mij!





Zakelijk reizen

Voor zakelijke reizen maken wij regelmatig gebruik van de diensten van Eithad. De service is altijd vlekkeloos keurig, bij deze maatschappij weet je dat je altijd correct zult worden behandeld. Een belangrijke reden waarom wij telkens voor dezelfde partij kiezen.


A. Fanza
